Sunday, September 11, 2011

Just checking ... Thank God for ALL who protect our country. Bless the families of those who gave it all on this day 10 years ago...may we never forget.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Oh, Happy Day!!....

Man, have I ever had a happy day today....I feel great and good things are beginning to come my way.  I am going to be successful and will be able to reach the goals I have set for myself since last year!!  Now that just calls for setting more goals...and when I reach them, I will set some more.  A man's reach should exceed his grasp!!  At least that is what I tell my students...and now I am reminding myself.

Thank you Lord!
This is great!! Now I can blog from my phone!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

make sure you are getting trained...

Yes, at some point in time, everyone needs training, or retraining!  Many people have the idea that they know it all.  Hardly!!  There aren't too many people around that are knowledgeable about everything, like they think they are.  All of us need training...and many of us have to be trained for the second, third, or fourth time..sadly, but we need it!

Any time you begin again, you need training IF it is something that is totally new to you.  There are many things that may carry over from one position/career to another, but many times there are certain aspects of a position that you won't know and do need someone to explain to you or you have to find out on your own.  When you can get help on these things, they learning curve is way shorter...and you can start to make money, if that is your objective for beginning the career in the first place.

I am trying to step out and do some things I have never done before even though I am a teacher by profession, teaching someone else to do something you've just learned is one of the best ways to get better yourself..improve by making the mistakes and learning from blogging!!

I like to write and I need to learn how to express myself more succinctly!!  (new word!!)  So getting in and writing is the best way to learn how to blog and blogging about your new adventure, be in for profit or not, is a great way to help others.

Monday, February 21, 2011

excited to be right where I am...

 I look forward to each new day with great anticipation.

I just wanted to be able to post on MY website something
that I think is really going to make a difference in my life
in the next 3-5 years...I didn't get where I am today overnight
and I won't be where I want to be overnight...

I would like to be able to help others succeed but first I have
to have some degree of success myself.  I am working on that!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

love this business...

I am so excited to be able to share so much of what I am doing with others...especially when it comes to my home based business!  I think everybody should have a home based business....even if you do have a J. O. B. ...just over broke, job!  It is a great way to have an outlet and once that outlet turns into making you more money than you are making on that J. O. B.....let it go!  I have always admired those who knew what they wanted and weren't afraid to go after it...especially if it meant they were going it alone for a while.  I guess the fact that I lacked the confidence in my own abilities to run my own company really kept me working for someone else all these years....but now I want to be my own boss and take my lunch when I want to and have days off without looking at the calendar!!  Much of that will come to pass if I but put my mind to what I want to do and then get after it.  And the same is true for might need a find someone who has been successful in your field and model after them...doing it your own way, but using them as a model!!  You will be successful...just keep on keeping on!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

New year's greetings

Everyone has made a post for the new year and many have already broken their New Year's resolutions, I am sure. My goal for this year is to take action so that I can become better at
what I do...If I don't do anything, nothing will change.

I do hope that you have set some goals for yourself this new year and that you are already reaping the rewards from having taken actions to accomplish your goals. Everyone needs encouragement
and I am staying focused and listening to calls, webinars, reading books, listening to recordings on
my keep me upbeat about my business. I am sharing with everyone I know and I am sure that it will pay off.

I have purchased a vanity domain name so that my business is simple to access.
Taking action everyday is important to remain consistent and persistent in the business. Talk to 2 everyday and if possible, five to thrive!!!

Check out the website and if you are interested, contact me at that same number...simple, huh?