Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Take advantage of what you know...

I just finished reading an article about why everyone could become an "expert" in something. And I agree! There are many people that know lots more than I do about many things and I know a lot more about some things than others...I just sometimes refuse to share it for fear that they think I am trying to "show off"!! Well, things are going to change for me pretty soon, and I am going to become an expert and let others know what I know...regardless!! I have made up my mind to do it and once my mind is made up, there is NO changing it!! So, look I come!! Don't say you didn't have fair warning....BE ready!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sharing SOC video

Surely do wish I could get on the same page twice!! But check it out at my web page and message me if you are interested.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

wow, has it been THAT long?

Man, how time flies!  Just look at how long it has been since I started this blog and look at all that I have left undone...that's seems to be a trend in my life these days, one of which I mean to change!  Now I know it is hard for "a leopard to change its spots" and an"old dog to learn new tricks", but this old gal has "turned over a new leaf"...for the umpteenth time!!

Yes, I am starting to slow down now and put things in perspective seems as the "pendulum swings" in my life I have to take the step back and readjust my lenses...looking at life through rose colored glasses is not all it is cracked up to be.  But I am constantly learning new things and that's what it is all about to me.  LIFE is a journey that has to be a constant set of changing experiences to which you have to adjust...and how we make that adjustment depends on the quality of our life.  I am at a crossroads and each day the decisions that I have to make are affecting not only me but all those around me and the ones I love...may God guide my every move.