Sunday, May 27, 2012

wow, has it been THAT long?

Man, how time flies!  Just look at how long it has been since I started this blog and look at all that I have left undone...that's seems to be a trend in my life these days, one of which I mean to change!  Now I know it is hard for "a leopard to change its spots" and an"old dog to learn new tricks", but this old gal has "turned over a new leaf"...for the umpteenth time!!

Yes, I am starting to slow down now and put things in perspective seems as the "pendulum swings" in my life I have to take the step back and readjust my lenses...looking at life through rose colored glasses is not all it is cracked up to be.  But I am constantly learning new things and that's what it is all about to me.  LIFE is a journey that has to be a constant set of changing experiences to which you have to adjust...and how we make that adjustment depends on the quality of our life.  I am at a crossroads and each day the decisions that I have to make are affecting not only me but all those around me and the ones I love...may God guide my every move.