Friday, July 10, 2015

Two in one day.....a RECORD for me!!

Well this just goes to show what one can do if they truly are motivated and enthused about what they are doing!  I am learning how to better use this computer to my advantage and taking advantage of every opportunity to let everyone know just what I have my hands on here...who would have thought that this time last year, I would have been so far along....I love it and love learning!!

Thank YOU to all my mentors who believe in me and helped me to believe in all starts with ME...what I want and then find a way to make it happen!!  Yahoo!!!...

Getting ready to make waves.....who's with me???

Oh, my goodness!  I am loving this journey I am on and learning so much along the way.  Being mentored by a millionaire and having a person to literally take you by the hand and show you the way to do this business has meant all the world to me!  It has given me confidence like I have never known before.

No longer am I shy to pick up the phone and call someone about my business...I know what to say, and how to say it....where to go when they have a question and can send them information at the touch of one button....we have such a great system to use to follow up with those with whom I speak!

The mentoring, the marketing, and the products!  A one, two, three...punch!!  Now I know that I can knock it out of the park if I just .....don't....QUIT!!!  I WILL DO THIS!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

YES....again I am being mentored!

I am so excited to be able to say that I have finally found a home where I am being mentored in this industry called direct sales!  I have struggled learning how to present to someone a program that will provide a residual income...meaning that once you do the work, you get paid over and over and over again.  And so it is with network marketing IF you have and utilize a SYSTEM to help you get it done.  And I have finally found a team where I am being taught these things and I LOVE IT!  And I have the ability to teach others as well.  This is SO exciting for me.

Watch the video at  and then get back in touch with me if this is something that you can do...and YES, YOU CAN DO THIS...the real question is...WILL YOU?

You have choices in life and you must choose what you BELIEVE that you can ACHIEVE...and in so doing you are able to accomplish whatever you set out to do!!

I look forward to hearing from you and celebrating your success!!
