Monday, February 21, 2011

excited to be right where I am...

 I look forward to each new day with great anticipation.

I just wanted to be able to post on MY website something
that I think is really going to make a difference in my life
in the next 3-5 years...I didn't get where I am today overnight
and I won't be where I want to be overnight...

I would like to be able to help others succeed but first I have
to have some degree of success myself.  I am working on that!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

love this business...

I am so excited to be able to share so much of what I am doing with others...especially when it comes to my home based business!  I think everybody should have a home based business....even if you do have a J. O. B. ...just over broke, job!  It is a great way to have an outlet and once that outlet turns into making you more money than you are making on that J. O. B.....let it go!  I have always admired those who knew what they wanted and weren't afraid to go after it...especially if it meant they were going it alone for a while.  I guess the fact that I lacked the confidence in my own abilities to run my own company really kept me working for someone else all these years....but now I want to be my own boss and take my lunch when I want to and have days off without looking at the calendar!!  Much of that will come to pass if I but put my mind to what I want to do and then get after it.  And the same is true for might need a find someone who has been successful in your field and model after them...doing it your own way, but using them as a model!!  You will be successful...just keep on keeping on!!